September 18th to September 21st reading raffle!

September 18th to September 21st my fellow mystics have a chance to win a  30 minute reading session or 30 min consultation. If you do not know I offer multiple spreads for readings which range is from a three card spread to a 14 card spread. These spreads offer insight on various things, most of them are pretty in depth. There are three ways to qualify, either you've paid for casework or any of my products within the past 30 days ( depend on how many services you've booked I'll enter your name that many times live on camera) 2.) you've interacted in my lives ( you're able to enter the raffle by sending over $2 per ticket) 3.) anyone can enter by purchasing a ticket for $5. 

Winter will be revealed on the 21st, reading must be booked the 22nd 23rd or 24th. 



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