new classes with updated schedule

5 new classes 

Holistic healing- a hour long class going into mantra's, affirmation and energy releasing techniques along with herb secrets that are used to work with the natural frequencies of your body. we cover healing sy,bols as well as some energy transfer techniques. (Closed)

Temple of oshun this class is a 30 day class with 4 live assignments ( videos where we chat and share powerful information) in this class you will learn to channel the energy of oshun within, you'll learn how to use this energy to manifest love, happiness or anything you're desiring.  Oahun is a fierce loving energy and is always willing to share gifts with her devotees.(closed)

libbi'el: the forgotten healing rituals of Raphael- this class will reveal to you some history of this angel and Raphael miraculous abilities. Raphael have the ability to heal many things on many levels! i will share with you secrets that were revealed to my while connecting with this majestic energy. I will share prayers, mantras and affirmations used to unlock healing power in just about anything. (Closed)

Recharging the ancestors- this is the third ancestor veneration class we've offered. The information in this class would be by far the most advanced and life changing of them all. I will show you how to properly set up a space (altar or not) to tap into the frequency of your ancestors. Ancestor veneration is the most powerful type of magick that exist on this Earth. This work will help heal unresolve trauma, release generational curses, improve finances, love life and all other things. This class is a 1 hour and you will learn so much (open)

Untied and carried
This class is actually a special request from one of my long-time supporters. In this class we would go over ties ( not just soul ties) and how to to release them . Do you know that every experience that we have especially that we are emotionally connected to are stored in our bodies somewhere? And if these "bad"  experiences are not released they can and will manifest into diseases. I will show you how to properly identify them and release them from your bodies. Yes you heard that correctly.... Bodies.... Which we will cover more in this class. This class will also be an hour. For more information email me (open)

I am offering these classes on tuesdays and Wednesday with open availability on these days. These classes are $88 a class or all 5 $350. ( If you've already signed up for the other three classes you can send 150 more for all 5) this information will change your life.  The first 10 to sign up by thanksgiving receives a POWERFUL gift ( must be in USA) if you are wanting the class taught to you outside of the days mentions above, the classes will be $120 each or all 5 for $500. 

for payment information and more information on any of the classes email me


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