early black Friday deals 11/1-11-6

We're doing an early Black Friday access for new product that I have which are the supercharged oils. These oils are charged in a tuned to reiki, All natural oils are made from resins herbs and essential oils. We currently have five, 

Holy Spirit activated ( purple) is multi-purpose for spiritual development, spiritual empowerment and psychic ability. 

Gold embellishment( gold) this is multi-purpose for prosperity abundance wealth money and all things related to it 

Lust or love me ( red) this oil is multipurpose and can also use for anything love related except for reconciliation, and break up. It can be used for healing a relationship start in a relationship at one night stand etc.

Beyond the abyss ( deep blue)
This oil can be used for protection work of all sorts. Hexbreaker curse breaker spellbreaker return to sender protect your energy etc.. 

Sano Verde ( greenish Blue) this all is healing.. it could be used for all sorts of healing, trauma or even physical. 

All oils will be customized to your needs and will only take 24 to 48 hours to do so. All oils will come with instructions on how to use or anoint self or objects with. 

16 oz glass bottle is originally $80 for early black Friday access $50,

Half an ounce bottle will be $20 early access Black Friday deal will be $15

5ml ( sample size) $10

Half ounce and 5ml is buy 5 get 1 free

16 oz size buy 3 get 2 (.5 free)

No two oils will smell the same because each oil is crafted and design differently. 

Merkaba charged up 

This is the new service where I use your natal chart and other techniques to see what era or system you are in your life with obstacles are around you and to help you get over that. This is beneficial for all people, whether you feel stuck or lost, Don't know which career is best for you Wonder why you have issues with relationships or can't seem to find one. This could definitely help you. 

This includes a reading which will be sent to you via your email and the option to either do energetic work on your end or allow me to do it on my end. 

This will be $500 for early black Friday access it's $150. 

We now offer a point system
For every dollar spent you will earn a point 
Sometimes we will offer double point or triple point days or events where you can make a purchase and triple your points. The rewards with points will be: sometimes we'll offer a day where you can redeem an hour reading for so many points, will offer 200 point readings etc. 
Points will expire depend on the tear in a certain time period 
Tier 1 (1500 or less)expiration would be within 90 days 
Tier 2 (1501-3000) expiration would be within 6 months 
Tier 3 ( 3000+) expiration will be within 12 months. 

Points will be logged and a reminder will be sent every 15 to 30 days of expiration. 

Astral download class: what's your spiritual gifts

This is something that everyone wants to know rather than tell you I would prefer for you to experience for yourself.. I'll be using multiple techniques (that does not require you to physically be intuned with me meaning we don't have to be on the phone or texting when this occur). Within a certain time period (3-7 days ) you would receive some type of download ( mentally or visually) where you will have access. After this period I will then reach out to you to ask a series of questions to know that you are ready to expense a full potential as a spiritualist... If you're not able to receive the information actually then we will present the class to you physically. ( The only circumstances that individuals would not be able to access this class Astrally is if they are experiencing some type of blockage, not fully ready for their true potential being unlocked, or only taking this class to see what would happen) This class would be very beneficial to all practitioners on all levels. 

This class will be $120 is a very in-depth class and would be sent to you The audio clip or video clip) 

Please email me at two8spirit8mystic8@gmail.com with questions ,payment information etc. 

Oh also be scheduling a q&a for 11/3/2024 evening. Would love to have you there


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