beginning 10-23-2024 new levels of casework

As you know casework is the term we use we discussing energy work... This energy work is done multiple ways through prayers meditation etc. If you can think it you could be it is a prime example of how energy moves and allows manifestation to work. Allow me to assist you on your spiritual journey to living out the life that you've always dreamed of. It will not be easy but it's definitely achievable. I have five levels to help you find your way 

Luxurious cake donut 🍩 $80 ( a consultation) this is the perfect time for you to discuss with me your goals and expectation from doing this work energetically. 🌟This 30 to 45 min consultation in totality belongs to you. We will peel each flaky layer of what you need done. Ask any question and I will give you the answer based on my spiritual expertise. If you decide to continue on to level four or five 100% of your consultation goes towards the work. 

Honey walnut glaze 🍬 ( collaboration)
$150 in this level we've already completed the Consultation.πŸ’• You're able to ask me during this time how would you go about completing your goals spiritually. This is more of a collaboration and it's definitely useful for those who wants to do energy work themselves. 

Milk and honey 🍯 $250-500 This work will be dealing with doing energetic work on manifesting money, sweetening a relationship matter, as well as healing. This is considered light work 

Jambalaya πŸ› $ 500+ This will be classified as multi-purpose. For those who are wanting to do a road opener for manifesting meaning things for many levels at once This is perfect for you. 

Gumbo : in this level of work we're dealing with heavier energies also known as black magic will be manipulating situations that they may have stronger forces behind them. 

Roux πŸ«™: the darker the roux the richer the flavor This level of black magic is usually for a basic protection. This will be worked for 3 to 7 days $300-$500

The holy Trinity πŸ«‘: bell pepper, celery and onion is a excellent base for great flavor! At this level we slowly marinate the work and add in anything that needs to be. This work will be manipulated for 7-21 days $750-1,100

Smoked andoulle sausage 🌭:simmered and full of flavor This level of work is worked 21 to 30 days $1,100-$2,500 something at this level will require some type of product or item being mailed to you ...

On average energy is worked anywhere from 3 to 90 days... Pricing varies on the severity of the work. The more severe the more time and energy is needed to complete. As you should know working things energetically is more than just burning candles and saying a few words. 


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