millionaire mindset revamped

In 2023 we started a support group for financial literacy as well as doing rituals and other magical things to increase our money making tactics. I decided to revamp the group and add more energy increasing ideas as well as adding incentives like games, raffles and chances to win exciting gifts. I truly believe that the pandemic not only brought about scarcity in certain areas but it opened up unlimited resources as well as increased planetary energies to manifest exactly what we are desiring.( Out with the old in with the new)  I will help you to retrain your thinking refocus your energy and regain what is rightfully yours in the spirit realm. I believe that all prosperity abundance and wealth starts in the spiritual realm and then manifests into the physical. We will do weekly recaps as well as twice a week meet ups. We will discuss everything from budget planning, financial organizing and ways to increase your income according to your plan. There are steps to all things and I've definitely educated myself on this enough to be able to share some of the secrets with you.  This group will be 21 to 30 days. 

$60 to join

Payment options 

Zelle, venmo, cash app or PayPal please reach out for contact information to send payments. Also let me know what are your goals.


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