new classes!i

greeting fellow mystic's💥, I have 3 classes to help you on your spiritual Journey. I want to offer you exceptional options to help you elevate your consciousness and experience. The introduction to each class is on the you tube. although the classes start on a certain date you can join anytime within 21 days of it posting. you have an option of live or video presentation. I will be right there  to answer any questions you may have.  you can reach me at

the follower are the classes offered with a 4th and 5th mystery classes being announced 11/21/2022

Ancient magia class 11/11/2022  

quantum bootcamp 11/21/2022

magick of the great mother 11/21/2022

each class is $33 if purchased before 11/21/2002 all 3 for $99, after 11/21/2022 classes will be $66 each, or $150 for all 3. 

classes can be presented in the same day if you purchase all 3. 

send and email on where to send payments so we can get your schedule going!!


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