update prices for case work and readings
I know how important and serious your spiritual needs are and I'm available to assist you as early as next day ( in some instances I'm able to be reached within an hour of bookings medical personal, military (active or veteran) gets 10% off The term casework 🕯 is used in the context of the energy work we're doing on your situation. The term tokens 💰 are used interchangeably for money as gifts I do both light and dark work, it all depends on the needs of the people. My current asking prices are 200 tokens a day ( typical situations requires three to seven days of energy work, depending on the situation it could have to be worked for 21 days during your consultation we will discuss your needs) Asking price for hourly services like readings consultation is 200 tokens for the hour or 100 tokens for 30 minutes , if you decide to do the work within 3 days of consultation for your consultation fee go towards the work. Readings are only done certain days of the week...