I offer several kinds of work that cater to your personal spiritual needs. I am here to Assist you in ALL endeavors that I feel comfortable with. Although I practice light work (depending on the situation) I am also well experienced with dark works.  DARK WORK IS DONE WITH SERIOUS CAUTION AND YOU WILL BE WARNED WITH POSSIBLE BACKFIRES .

I provide effective spells, rituals, and case work. If you follow my directions I Guarantee 100% accuracy!

all readings are done by appointment only Mondays, wednesday and Fridays I REQUIRE ANCESTRAL READINGS TO BE BOOK IT 3 TO 7 DAYS IN ADVANCE. if you want it done urgently! I offer SAME DAY OR NEXT DAY OPTIONS for additional $15 (ADD THIS OPTION TO THE TOTAL ALONG WITH YOUR SELECTED READING TYPE) 


A current picture and birthday is required before booking a reading
50 two questions asked via email. $100 1 hour reading.  Please note timer starts as soon as we get on the phone 10 minutes prior to an hour I will let you know we have 10 mins left. 

Ancestor readings are $100 for 30 and $150 for an hour. 

URGENT READING  $50 additional to your style of reading 

eadings I offer: 

Ancestral: The art of tapping into the energy of your lineage and revealing answer about your ancestry or giving you answers from your ancestors. 

Tarot: The art of using a deck of special designed cards to describe what the subconscious is expressing. I own many sets of tarot, i will use the one that feel more connected to your energy.  * THE 7 CARD DIVINE GODDESSE READ IS VERY INDEPTH!!   THE 5 CARD CROSSROAD READ IS POWERFUL, 

( before we do our tarot session, please relax and try to clear your mind) 

Natal chart: (tropics) The art of using ones astrological alignment that took place during their birth and tapping into what messages the multiverse have set up for them: healthy concerns, finances, best suited profession etc( THIS READING COULD BLOW YOUR MIND) 

natal charts

semi natal $60

full natal reading $120

numerology: The art of using numbers to reveal mutilversal secrets.  The multiverse is built on numerical codes and the more codes revealed the more complex reality is becoming.  Numbers NEVER lie!! 

Basic numerology reading $20

Indepth numeric reading $50 

Aura reading : The art of reading energy field around an individual

aura reading $15

*you have 24 hours to reschedule your reading. Last minute rescheduling is a $75 fee. Cancelled readings are non refundable 


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