History of divine feminine/modern concepts

Many people think it is disrespectful or down playing when you honor the divine feminine but llttle do people know honoring the divine feminine is not only honoring the matricarchs of your lineage but also THYSELF!  Rather you are male or female you have both the divine masculine and the divine feminine in you (testerone, estrogen, left brain, right brain) .patriarchial social structures did not develop until many years after the end of the Pleistocene era, following social and technological developments such as agriculturehistorical research has not yet found a specific "initiating event of turning society from matriachial to patriarchial but Some scholars point to about six thousand years ago (4000 BCE), when the concept of fatherhood took root, as the beginning of the spread of patriarchy. even though some cultures (6 majors ones in the world) some honor the divine feminine like The Mosuo's, The Akan's, The minanagkabau, The bribri's., The garo's and The nagovisi's.  In the majority of the world have loss our touch of divine feminine depending your culture you can see this on the attack of our fresh water sources, manipulation of the weather and environment to destroy the fertile soil to the attack of feminine energy celebrating their femininity like the effeminate Gay males, trans woman and the cis gender female who chooses to wear make up, show off her temple etc.  We're shamed, mistreated, called put of our name and even worst MURDERED!  I Do not want to turn this into a sexist debate because i am PRO LOVE, PRO EQUALITY and PRO KNOWLEDGE!  most women do not even know what i means to be feminine or know how to even embrace their femininity. Some will even shame other women and feminine energy for being just that. We are experiencing all the NEGATIVE things on this plane (T) right now due to the suppression of the divine feminine.  The divine masculine and the divine feminine is like YING AND YANG! It must balance. Think of the brain structure there is things in the brain that is shared by both sides (left brain, Right brain) but there are things that each side represents solo handedly. Left side of the brain deals with Logic, analytical, objective.  the right side deals with intuition, thoughtfulness and subjective. We focus on the divine feminine every day all day due to the society live in so you have that down. NOW we need to work on the divine feminine aspect so we can be balanced in return we will see a bunch of stagnant energy, obstacles and BS will dissipate.  Many issues including health is from the negation of the divine feminine we we decide to honor the divine feminine we see what the issues are and are able to clear them. Many of our brains are in a slumber and I WANT TO WAKE THEM UP! 

Goddess intervention Apprenticeship

I have been working on my divine femininity energy since 2001, i decided to apply what i learned from my master teachers mr. Raj and Mrs Tackle in 2010 and My life have taken off so drasticially its amazing. So much healing has took place, so much negative energy that has been released and in return I have been able to manifest and achieve more than i could ever imagine. Although i am succeeding There is alot more i would love to accomplish and WILL! I get asked questions about how i did this or that and also have helped so many men and women live an enriching life. I am amazed by how individuals i have never met in person can follow basic direction i give and change their lives FOREVER! I always tell people even though i am young. I have experienced many lives, cultures, and physical genders since We have been allowed to come here (earth) to learn and These experiences are woven into the fiber of my being which allows me to be open and compassionate to others life experiences on this plane. I want to give each person a chance to awaken their goddess energy and thrive with no excuses. You control your destiny all you need is to the tools to get there and I CAN HELP!. 

Below are dates and options of the current goddess intervention apprenticeship. I will hold this every 8 weeks and the length of the webinar (for those in long distances) and seminar (for those in local areas). These seminars/webinars will last 3 to 6 weeks (you decide your length). This will be a ground breaking experience for the newbies or the experienced. This will not only be Spiritual but mental,and physical. I will give you the tools to nourish your wombs (uterus and pineal gland) I am not leaving out the males (you still have the most powerful womb that have ever existed that is in your brain) so yes females have two wombs but we all share the most important one....... Please do not twist that and think I am saying the uterus isnt important because it is. To be totally clear we all have two wombs that need nourishment and proper maintainence care (men the prostate, women the uterus) Rather you are male or female i can offer you suggestion that will help you clear, nourish, protect and build spiritually, mentally and physically. This apprenticeship is recommend for anyone who is willing to learn what it takes to make some changes.  This is not about feminism or a feminist movement this about empowering the divine feminine energy so it can balance out the empower divine masculine energy already present. 





Goddess intervention level one Goddess gold 

$200 includes
  • 3 weeks of intervention
  • confirmation letter of joining Via mailing ( or email if you are out of country) 
  • Goddess oil 
  • one on one guidance on clearing, healing, protecting, nourishing and building your mind
  • (The once a week one on one guidance is the only chance you would have to ask your questions or concerns) 

Goddess intervention level two Goddess rose gold

$400 includes 

  • 3 to 6 weeks  of goddess intervention
  • confirmation letter of joining event 
  • Goddesse oil
  • one on one guidance on clearing, healing, protecting, nourishing, and building your mind, body and spirit.
  • 1 to 2 times a week to call me directly at anytime (you will get a schedule of availability) 

Goddess intervention level Three Goddess triple platinum 

$1000 includes 

  • 3 to 6 weeks of goddess intervention
  • letter of confirmation Via mail (or email if you're out of country)
  • Goddess package with Goddess frequency items to pamper your inner G ( males will get a certain package and female will get a certain one) 
  • one on one guidance on clearing, healing, protecting, nourishing, and building your mind body and spirit.
  • up to 3 readings
  • you can contact me ANYTIME you need with questions and concerns that may arise. (you will get a schedule of availability) 

when all individuals have finished their goddess intervention they will recieve a certification of achievement showing you finished goddess apprenticeship. 

goddess internvention levels


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