
Showing posts from April, 2017


apprenticeship and mentorship options  Spiritual advisory, counseling mentoring I  have recieved countless emails about getting counseling ( counsoling, calming, soothing) sessions and i would tell you all that it will be consultation prices but even after that i still recieved emails of individuals wanting me to walk them through there life purpose everyday or atleast once a week. So i decided to offer a advisory or counseling session in 3 options for those who are interested in involving me in your daily life rather it is spiritual or others. I will always keep our sessions confidential and will even send you a confidential letter via email and or mail confirming othing shared with me will be shared with others without your written consent. I have only walked this planet for 30 years but i have experienced enough to know enough. The old saying is " a wise man learns from others mistakes and a fool have to learn it on their own" meaning a wise one takes it from someo...