
spring equinox 2025 smoke and mirrors virtual event

March 20th 2025 we will be celebrating the Spring Equinox which is a celebration of renewal rebirth and balance. Resetting rejuvenating and recreating. Everything in life has a purpose and this is a celebration of new beginnings and the birth of your higher self renewed. This will be done in two parts the first part will be an introduction to energy and the last part re calibrating energy. The first part will be done at 3:00 a.m. March 20th PST those who are awake could be a part of it live, and then the next part will be that evening. The event will be no longer than 2 hours in total. Will be using Reiki, affirmation and directing channeled energy.  This is the perfect time if you're wanting to remove blockages, realign yourself with a higher purpose, if you need a boost of energy or proper guidance of leveling up. This is a group event but you can request individual sessions. Group event $120 if purchased before March 12th, $160 if purchased by March 19th. Individual session $150...

March 7th 12am to 6pm PST

March 7th 12am to 6pm pst  Same Day readings and consultations ( within 1 to 2 hrs or received payment.  Payment options zelle, paypal and cash app. Consultations will include a mini ritual (3 to 7 days) $150 this includes a 30 min consultation Reading 2 questions $15 ( done through email( In-depth reading 30 min $80 ( phone) I look forward to advising you and guiding you.   Please email  For more information or where to send donations. Please tell me which option works best for you

January the 28th 2025 moving the pillars

Do you feel stagnant? Feeling like the odds are against you? Working towards your desires but feel like it's taking a while for these things to manifest? This candle magic class is for you. Yes this is considered an advanced candle magic class but even new beginners could benefit from this class. Two options available a live class and a recorded class. The live class times will be announced once I get a time zone of the attendees. Learn how to use the great power of candles to create great shifts in your lives.... We will cover everything from colors shapes and other major surprises.   Live option 120  Recorded 80  Live will include more information plus a bonus.  For more information this is something you don't want to miss

re-Awakening of the ancient gods

I said this time and time again you are gods and goddesses and the reason why you are obsessed with magick in this life is because you're retracing your steps. Everything that is happening has already happened, your consciousness is stuck right now in this moment to figure out what you may have done wrong the letter to the big one.... The big one you ask? I will talk about that in this class. You are the universe, The planetary and celestial bodies are within you. You need help and guidance to reawaken these frequencies and energies to help change your life to remove obstacles and limitations that you have either placed on yourself or have allowed others to place on you. This class is going to make a lot of people mad.... I guarantee if your life does not change within 30 days I'll have a bigger surprise for you. I'm offering three budget friendly options  The supreme you'll be able to get this class live on Monday January the 13th. You also receive affirma...

99 ways to manifest 99 thangs

I want to host an event via Skype and or stream yard studio where a group of us come together and have a discussion. I would like to share some techniques with everyone on how to manifest your desires as soon as possible. I do not know how easy it was to manifest until the recent 3 years. Anyone could do these techniques and the results can be seen and as soon as 24 hours after practicing some of them. No this is not a gimmick..... Are you truly need is the pen and paper if you've already done energetic work on what it is you're trying to manifest techniques would even allow your work to come through quicker.... Lets feast Please email  For more information or where to send payment.  $120 

early black Friday deals 11/1-11-6

We're doing an early Black Friday access for new product that I have which are the supercharged oils. These oils are charged in a tuned to reiki, All natural oils are made from resins herbs and essential oils. We currently have five,  Holy Spirit activated ( purple) is multi-purpose for spiritual development, spiritual empowerment and psychic ability.  Gold embellishment( gold) this is multi-purpose for prosperity abundance wealth money and all things related to it  Lust or love me ( red) this oil is multipurpose and can also use for anything love related except for reconciliation, and break up. It can be used for healing a relationship start in a relationship at one night stand etc. Beyond the abyss ( deep blue) This oil can be used for protection work of all sorts. Hexbreaker curse breaker spellbreaker return to sender protect your energy etc..  Sano Verde ( greenish Blue) this all is healing.. it could be used for all sorts of healing, trauma or even physical....

beginning 10-23-2024 new levels of casework

As you know casework is the term we use we discussing energy work... This energy work is done multiple ways through prayers meditation etc. If you can think it you could be it is a prime example of how energy moves and allows manifestation to work. Allow me to assist you on your spiritual journey to living out the life that you've always dreamed of. It will not be easy but it's definitely achievable. I have five levels to help you find your way  Luxurious cake donut ๐Ÿฉ $80 ( a consultation) this is the perfect time for you to discuss with me your goals and expectation from doing this work energetically. ๐ŸŒŸThis 30 to 45 min consultation in totality belongs to you. We will peel each flaky layer of what you need done. Ask any question and I will give you the answer based on my spiritual expertise. If you decide to continue on to level four or five 100% of your consultation goes towards the work.  Honey walnut glaze ๐Ÿฌ ( collaboration) $150 in this level we've already completed...